
Concrete Cutting Sydney


Drilling reinforced concrete can alter from being a straight forward task to an extremely difficult task. This will depend on the steel content. Drilling heavily reinforced concrete is more difficult, takes longer, and costs more than standard drilling.

Drilling reinforced concrete puts a very high strain on the diamond core bit. When drilling through the reinforced bar, the drilling surface of the diamond bit encounters a very tough and relatively ductile material. However as the diamond bit rotates the same section of cutting surface encounters the relatively brittle concrete. This causes loading and unloading of diamond bond material and diamond crystals.

Diamond core bit life and drilling speed is considerably reduced when drilling this material. Diamond core bit life can be reduced by as much as 50% depending on steel content, hardness and abrasiveness of the material being drilled.

Concrete Cutting Sydney

Diamond Core Drilling

Core drilling is an efficient non vibratory way of forming holes and is best utilised where precise circular penetrations are required. Diamond core drilling (also referred to as coring) offers a cost effective way of creating service holes without aggressive demolition. Hand held electric powered machine are used to drill core sizes from 10mm up to 150mm diameter in restricted access area's whilst still maintaining precision. Hydraulic and electric rig mounted (Dedicated) drilling machines allow us to drill cores up to 1000mm diameter to any depth with accuracy.
Concrete Cutting Sydney


Applications include:

  • Create openings for plumbing, air conditioning, electrical and HVAC installations
  • Cut openings for doors, windows, lift shafts, etc
  • Study structural integrity / composition of concrete, rock, and sandstone
  • Working within confined spaces where larger equipment cannot gain access
  • Complex Civil Engineering projects, residential dwellings, commercial buildings


Benefits include:

  • Dust and vibration free Diamond Drilling
  • Hole sizes from 10mm to over 1000mm
  • Low noise output
  • The most precise method of forming service penetrations
  • No dust due to wet cutting
  • Flexible power sources (electric, hydraulic, or compressed air)
  • High performance automated rigs
  • Non-percussive techniques maintain structural integrity
  • Capable of perform vertical, horizontal, angled, and inverted penetration
Concrete Cutting Sydney

Stitch Drilling

Stitch Drilling, which is a technique of forming large and unconventional shapes by using a series of overlapping holes which are free from over cutting and require little or no reinstatement. Stitch drilling is an effective method of creating a non standard penetration (circular, etc) or removing concrete under controlled conditions.
Concrete Cutting Sydney

Blind Drilling

Most applications require the operator to drill completely through the masonry material, however some applications require drilling a 'blind' hole that does not go completely through the material. The core is removed by slipping a small wedge down the drill slot and twisting. The core breaks off near the bottom of the hole.

Get A Quote

If you have a job that you would like us to have a look at either to provide a quote or simply to assist you in determining the correct method please send us your details using the below form or call us on (02) 9620 4444.

More Information

The Reinforced Concrete Drillers are experts in all forms of drilling, specifically drilling reinforced concrete.

For more information you can contact us on (02) 9620 4444, or email us on info@drillingreinforcedconcrete.com.au

We are available to perform work 7 days per week, 24 hours per day.

Regardless of project size, we will be able to provide you with the correct solution to meet your needs.

We will work with you to ensure the work is finished on time and within budget.

For a friendly, reliable, and professional solution we welcome your call today.

Concrete Cutting Sydney

Drilling Penetration

Concrete Cutting Sydney

Inverted Drilling